17 May 2023
It is hoped publication of the book will empower veterinary nurses with knowledge that can help them provide anaesthesia management that is as safe as possible for animals in their care.
The team of RVNs behind the new anaesthesia guide. Pictured (from left) are Carol Hoy, senior anaesthesia RVN and contributor; Niamh Clancy, anaesthesia RVN, teaching fellow, editor and contributor; Ana Costa, anaesthesia RVN and contributor; Lisa Angell, head anaesthesia RVN and contributor; and Ioan Holban, anaesthesia RVN and contributor.
A team of RVNs from the RVC has launched a practical guide to anaesthesia – the first to be fully written by RVNs, for RVNs.
The Veterinary Nurse’s Practical Guide To Small Animal Anaesthesia – published earlier this month – was created after anaesthesia nurses at the RVC Queen Mother Hospital for Animals (QMHA) discussed the need for a practical guide to anaesthesia and its potential complications – particularly one that was written fully by RVNs for colleagues in practice.
It is hoped the publication of the book will empower RVNs with knowledge that can help them provide anaesthesia management that is as safe as possible for those in their care.
Niamh Clancy – editor of the book, and anaesthesia RVN and teaching fellow at the RVC – approached Wiley and a book deal was agreed. A group of RVNs from the RVC then worked together to produce the book.
The RVNs are all specialist anaesthesia nurses with a range of qualifications, including an American veterinary technician specialist (VTS) in anaesthesia and analgesia, and other RVNs with the national certificate in anaesthesia and analgesia, and a postgraduate certificate in advanced veterinary nursing anaesthesia and analgesia.
The guide discusses each part of the anaesthetic process from start to finish, including the choice of anaesthetic agents, monitoring equipment that can be used, and a case study section that discusses some commonly seen patients and makes suggestions of how the RVN in practice could approach these. The guide also discusses monitoring equipment for use in the peri-anaesthetic period and provides a quick reference guide at the end of each chapter that can be used in specific emergency situations.
Miss Clancy, who is deputy co-course director for the certificates in advanced veterinary nursing and module leader for anaesthesia at the RVC, said: “Constructing this practical guide has been a labour of love for all of us. Since the first conception of the idea in the recovery room of the QMHA, we wanted this book to be by RVNs, for RVNs, and to be an essential and accessible guide for the RVN in practice.”
Perdi Welsh – director of veterinary nursing, principal teaching fellow, and course director for certificates in advanced veterinary nursing and the School of Veterinary Nursing at the RVC – added: “This book by our anaesthesia RVNs is built up from many years working in a highly collaborative and supportive team environment, and it’s great to see this team passing on their knowledge, expertise and experience to empower others in their learning.
“It’s an essential read for anyone doing anaesthetics – VNs and vets in clinical practice – to help them gain confidence in being able to deal with all aspects of small animal anaesthesia.”