24 Feb 2025
Applications are now open for the first of two funding rounds to be allocated during 2025.
A charity has announced plans to extend its research grant funding scheme to include veterinary nurses’ projects for the first time.
Applications are now being invited for two rounds of funding from the Zebra Foundation for Veterinary Zoological Education this year, with an initial submission deadline at the end of next month.
The foundation, whose supporters include both the British Veterinary Zoological Society (BVZS) and the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV), already offers grants to both vets and veterinary students.
The group said the new support was being offered through the “commitment” of BVZS nurse members.
It added: “The Zebra Foundation has recognised that veterinary nurses can have a crucial part to play in further evidence-based medicine in this field and are looking forward to receiving applications from nurses and to supporting their work.”
A maximum grant of £1,000 is available per research project in a stance the foundation said is intended to help attract further support from other funding bodies.
The first round of grant applications closes on 31 March, with the second remaining open until 30 September.
Further information is available via the foundation’s website.