21 Mar 2024
New survey shows that 79% of veterinary graduates go straight into full-time employment following their degree programme – well ahead of medicine, dentistry and teaching.
Image © momius / Adobe Stock
Veterinary science has been revealed as the most employable degree in the UK, according to a new survey.
The subject topped the charts with 79% of graduates going straight into full time work after completing their degree, followed by medicine and dentistry with 71%.
Data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency also showed that the least employable degrees were history, philosophy and religious studies, with only 43% of graduates in those subjects entering full-time employment.
A spokesman from EssayPro, which put the survey together, said: “Going to university is far more common now than it used to be. Students can choose to study many subjects but not all are considered useful in today’s job market.
“Medicine and education-related degrees are well-known to improve a candidate’s chance at landing a job offer, but it is surprising to see agriculture and architecture ranking higher than law and mathematical sciences; indicating a shift towards more physical jobs and traditionally ‘blue collar’ work rather than office jobs.”