3 Jul 2024
Leishmania. Promastigotes of Leishmania parasite which are found in mosquito midgut or laboratory cultures. Leishmania tropic, Leishmania major, Leishmania donovani or other Leishmania. Image © Dr_Microbe / Adobe Stock
Image © Dr_Microbe / Adobe Stock
Increased importation of pets and the expansion of parasite distributions is increasing the risk of pets infected with exotic parasites entering the UK.
Rapid recognition of clinical signs, effective use of preventive treatments and screening tests in imported dogs can improve prognostic outcomes for the individual patient – as well as limiting parasite spread and zoonotic risk.
Keywords: Exotic parasites, imported dogs diagnosis, prevention
The past few years have seen a steady increase in numbers of legally and illegally imported pets entering the UK. Part of this trend has been driven by pets being rescued from abroad and then being rehomed in the UK.
This, in combination with expanding global parasite distributions, increases the risk of exotic parasites being introduced.
The rapid identification of parasitic infection and disease in imported rescue dogs forms an essential part of preventing new parasites and vectors establishing in the UK. It also improves prognostic outcomes for the individual patient in many cases and allows a long-term treatment plan to be put in place where one is required.
European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP) UK and Ireland recommends a systematic approach to imported dogs in practice in relation to exotic parasites they may be carrying. This consists of four steps, known as “the four pillars”.
Identification of ticks allows the introduction and distribution of exotic tick species to be monitored in the UK, but also indicates which tick-borne diseases the imported pet may have been exposed to.
Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks (Figure 1) have the potential to establish in centrally heated homes in a similar way to fleas, with larvae, nymphs and adults all capable of feeding on humans and pets.
This raises the possibility of transmission of zoonotic pathogens, such as Rickettsia species, where an infestation has established. Early removal and identification of ticks will also help to prevent this.
Ticks should be removed carefully with a tick removal device. Compressing or crushing ticks in situ with blunt tweezers or fingers will stress the tick, leading to regurgitation and emptying of the salivary glands, potentially leading to increased disease transmission.
The application of petroleum jellies and/or burning the tick are not required and are contraindicated.
Once removed, the ticks can be sent to the UK Health Security Agency’s Tick Surveillance Scheme (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/tick-surveillance-scheme). Using this service also allows the ticks to be included in surveillance data.
Figure 1. Rhipicephalus species ticks. Image: John McGarry, University of Liverpool
The compulsory tapeworm treatment prior to dogs entering the UK has proved vital in keeping the UK free of Echinococcus multilocularis.
The one to five-day treatment window, however, does allow the potential for dogs to be infected after treatment before their arrival in the UK.
An additional treatment within 30 days after UK entry will help ensure that E multilocularis is eliminated from imported pets, whatever the timing of their compulsory treatment, or if there is doubt about it having been administered.
E.multilocularis infected dogs in the UK represent a threat to both national biosecurity and a significant zoonotic threat to in contact individuals
Tick treatment, where this is not already in place on arrival, will increase the likelihood of attached ticks being killed if they are missed on examination.
Larvae and nymphs are very small and easily missed on examination, especially in long-coated breeds or on nervous dogs that are reluctant to be examined
A thorough and comprehensive clinical exam of imported pets will identify clinical signs, and these can then be compared to common exotic parasitic diseases, and those in the countries that the pet has visited.
Relevant clinical signs for parasitic infections include:
Figure 2. Haemoglobinuria. Image: Pedro Serra, NationWide Laboratories
Other exotic worm infections may also be present that may be identified by the presence of adult worms or associated clinical signs. They include:
Figure 3. Linguatula serrata adult. Image: Pedro Serra, NationWide Laboratories
APHA, in collaboration with ESCCAP UK and Ireland, is offering free of charge morphological identification of suspected cases of T callipaeda, D repens and L serrata seen in veterinary practices in England and Wales (http://apha.defra.gov.uk/vet-gateway/surveillance/experts/parasitology.htm).
Submitting samples will confirm diagnosis and also contribute to national surveillance data.
Screening for these parasites in dogs imported into the UK will lead to early diagnosis, preparing the owner for what could be a lifetime of potential treatment, any associated zoonotic risk and limiting wider spread through effective tick control.
Useful screening tests for each parasite include:
The growing trend of importation of rescue dogs from abroad is only likely to grow over the coming months and years.
While as a profession, vets have a role to play in educating the public regarding the disease risks of importing dogs from abroad, veterinary professionals also have a vital role in assessing imported dogs for evidence of parasitic infection and putting effective preventive measures in place.