3 Jul 2024
Ixodes Ricinus (castor bean tick). Image by Erik Karits from Pixabay
This article aims to raise awareness and promote proactive management of tick-borne diseases (TBDs). The UK has 20 native tick species, with Ixodes ricinus (commonly known as the deer or sheep tick) the most widespread and a key vector of diseases affecting both humans and animals.
Tick-borne pathogens pose a wide range of threats, including both established and emerging diseases. Of particular concern are new Babesia pathogens, such as B canis and B caballi. It is equally crucial to monitor changes in the prevalence of native Babesia species, such as B venatorum and B divergens.
Enhanced surveillance efforts are essential for understanding seasonal tick activity, identifying disease trends influenced by climate and human activities, and detecting tick-borne pathogens in various host populations. These efforts can enable early interventions to disrupt pathogen transmission and mitigate disease impacts. In this article, I explore the risks linked to both native and non-native tick species in the UK and emphasise the possibility of introducing novel pathogens.
Ticks can transmit numerous pathogens, with their bites potentially causing local infections, allergic reactions, or, in rare cases, severe complications such as paralysis.
This article aims to raise awareness, promote prevention, and encourage proactive management of tick-borne diseases (TBDs). It emphasises the crucial need for vigilance and informed measures to reduce risks to human and animal health.
The UK has 20 indigenous tick species (Folly et al, 2020), with Ixodes ricinus, the deer or sheep tick, being the most widespread (Abdullah et al, 2016).
This species is the primary carrier of Lyme borreliosis (Lyme disease) and can also transmit other pathogens. Additionally, other tick species exist that predominantly feed on livestock, but are restricted to specific geographical areas, including Dermacentor reticulatus (ornate cattle tick) and Haemaphysalis punctata (red sheep tick).
Travellers may inadvertently introduce ticks such as I holocyclus (Australian paralysis tick, native to the east coast of Australia) to the UK (Pietzsch et al, 2014), underscoring the significance of considering international travel history when assessing health risks associated with ticks.
Recent incidents of tick importation involve cases such as Amblyomma ticks found on imported leopard tortoises (Stigmochelys pardalis), indicating a pattern of tick importations on reptiles into Europe (Mihalca, 2015).
Introduction of exotic ticks could alter disease risk assessment by bringing new tick-borne pathogens. This might happen via direct pathogen introduction or if ticks establish as reservoirs after infected vertebrates arrive (Folly et al, 2020).
Human activities, particularly pet animal travel and imports, are key pathways. For example, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, commonly known as the brown dog tick or kennel tick, has been linked to house infestations and can transmit Hepatazoon canis in southern Europe.
Rh sanguineus is also a competent vector for transmission of Ehrlichlia canis, some Babesia species, Anaplasma platys, and Rickettsia conorii. Although Rh sanguineus has been found in the UK, particularly in southern England (Attipa et al, 2018; Jameson et al, 2010), it’s currently considered non-endemic and less likely able to persist.
Ticks on migrating birds pose another risk; studies show Hyalomma species carrying zoonotic pathogens, yet their survival and ability to spread pathogen in the UK are considered unlikely. However, Hyalomma rufipes nymphs may arrive via migrating birds, raising concerns about potential life cycle completion in the UK (Hansford et al, 2019).
Image: Jerzy Górecki from Pixabay
In the UK, ticks exhibit increased activity and actively seek hosts during spring and autumn. However, dogs can encounter tick bites throughout the summer and possibly all year round.
This heightened activity is likely influenced by mild, wet weather conditions, the expansion of green spaces and urban corridors, and the rising populations of deer and wildlife reservoirs.
The risk of humans picking up I Ricinus ticks can vary seasonally across different habitats in recreational sites. A previous study found that ticks are present in all vegetation types, with the highest densities found in areas with trees.
Ticks can remain abundant through summer despite changes in vegetation height (Dobson et al, 2011). A need for increased awareness of tick distribution in relation to human activities is required to improve risk communication.
Certain designer dog breeds, such as cavapoos, cockapoos, goldendoodles, and cavachons, are at a higher risk of tick infestation due to their poodle parentage and curly coats (O’Neill et al, 2024). Factors contributing to this higher risk include breed characteristics such as age, bodyweight, ear carriage, haircoat type, sex and skull shape.
Male dogs, those with medium-length coats, and dogs with certain ear types are more prone to tick infestations. While designer breeds are particularly vulnerable, established breeds like cairn terriers and standard poodles also show significant risk.
In contrast, breeds such as Staffordshire bull terriers, Rottweilers, Chihuahuas, and English bulldogs have the lowest risk. Dog owners, especially those with breeds having poodle heritage, should routinely check for ticks and consider keeping their dogs’ coats short to reduce infestation risk.
The implications of climate change are unfolding in many aspects of life, including the continued impact on the threats posed by ectoparasites to animals and people. Ticks are becoming increasingly prevalent in the UK, partly due to climate change and changes in land use.
This raises concerns about the transmission of tick-borne diseases, prompting increased awareness and surveillance efforts. In the early 21st century, Europe has witnessed a significant transformation in TBDs, highlighted by the introduction of invasive mosquitoes causing outbreaks of dengue and chikungunya, a resurgence of malaria in Greece and the spread of West Nile virus across eastern Europe.
These shifts are propelled by globalisation through increased air travel and shipping, alongside changes in climate, land use and environmental conditions. In the UK, the emphasis lies on understanding and preparing for vector-borne disease risks exacerbated by climate change.
Insights from past outbreaks stress the importance of proactive risk assessment and cautious adaptation strategies to mitigate the inadvertent escalation of disease risks (Medlock and Leach, 2015).
Image © chekman1 / Depositphotos.com
The disease is caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum and is transmitted by I ricinus, which is also responsible for spreading Lyme disease.
There have been numerous reports of tick-borne fever affecting dairy herds in the UK (Anonymous, 2016). The organism A phagocytophilum is currently considered endemic in dogs in the UK (Silvestrini et al, 2023).
The intra-erythrocytic parasites of the genus Babesia, which cause babesiosis in humans and animals, are present in questing nymphs of I ricinus (deer tick) in England and Wales at a low prevalence.
Although the risk of encountering Babesia-infected ticks is lower compared to other pathogens such as Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, localised areas with higher risk may still exist (Gandy et al, 2024).
Various Babesia species, including B caballi, have been identified in D reticulatus ticks in regions of west Wales and southern England, suggesting their presence in areas where horses graze.
This underscores the importance of raising awareness about the risk of equine piroplasmosis in areas where D reticulatus ticks are established, due to the presence of B caballi (Sands et al, 2022).
Nymphs of I ricinus collected from cattle farms in south-west England harbour Babesia, primarily B divergens and B venatorum, with indications of B divergens clustering within these ticks.
This highlights the extensive presence of zoonotic B venatorum in environments frequented by livestock, emphasising implications for both animal and human health (Sands et al, 2022).
Canine babesiosis is attributed to B canis, B vogeli, and B gibsoni, which are regarded as non-native to the UK. Reports indicate instances where dogs have contracted B canis and B vogeli after traveling in Europe (Tappin, 2009; Johnson et al, 2013).
However, cases of locally transmitted B canis by D reticulatus ticks were documented in Harlow, southern England, between 2015 and 2016 (de Marco et al, 2022). Recently, B vulpes infection has been identified in a dog that had never travelled outside the UK, indicating that certain canine Babesia species might be establishing themselves within the country (Silvestrini et al, 2023).
Canine babesiosis has the potential to spread widely, as its vectors, D reticulatus and an unidentified Ixodes species tick, are endemic in the UK.
Ehrlichia canis, a Gram-negative, obligate intracellular rickettsial bacterium, has been first detected in the south-east of England in dogs with no travel history outside the UK (Wilson et al, 2013).
This organism is transmitted by Rh sanguineus and infects monocytes and macrophages, leading to a condition known as monocytotropic ehrlichiosis in dogs.
E canis was recently detected in 2 out of 131 (1.5%) imported dogs seized during an animal welfare investigation led by the RSPCA (Wright et al., 2023).
Louping ill virus (LIV) is the only native virus transmitted by ticks in the UK, causing viral encephalomyelitis primarily in sheep, which exhibit neurological symptoms, such as incoordination and ataxia.
Other mammalian infections are rare, but red grouse are economically significant in terms of susceptibility (Reid, 1975). LIV is closely related to tick-borne encephalitis virus detected in Eurasia and primarily affects humans instead of livestock. It is prevalent in upland areas of the British Isles, with occasional cases reported in sheep from regions including Cumbria, west of Scotland, Devon and Wales (Gilbert, 2016).
Lyme disease stands as one of the most widely recognised TBDs in the UK. It is caused by the spirochete bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex and transmitted to humans through bites from infected ticks, predominantly the I ricinus species.
Common symptoms include fatigue, fever, headache and a distinctive bullseye rash. If untreated, Lyme disease can progress to more serious complications affecting the joints, heart, and nervous system. Within the B burgdorferi sensu lato complex, several genospecies are notable in the UK, with B burgdorferi sensu stricto, B garinii, and B afzelii being the most significant.
Additionally, Borrelia miyamotoi, another spirochete bacterium associated with Lyme borreliosis, has also been identified in the UK, showing a broad, but relatively low-level distribution across geographic regions (Layzell et al, 2018).
Areas with high tick populations are often referred to as Lyme borreliosis “hotspots,” although they may not necessarily harbour the highest proportion of infected ticks (Layzell et al, 2018).
In 2019, the first evidence of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) was discovered in the UK, notably in two locations: Thetford Forest in East Anglia and along the border of Hampshire and Dorset in southern England.
The discovery challenges previous predictions that TBEV could not establish in the UK due to climate conditions. The Thetford strain is similar to a strain from Norway (Holding et al, 2020), while the Hampshire-Dorset strain resembles one from the Netherlands (Holding et al, 2019), indicating that there were likely multiple introductions into the UK, potentially through migratory birds transporting infected ticks.
While no confirmed cases of locally acquired TBE in humans have been reported in the UK, a suspected case was noted in close proximity to where TBEV was detected in Hampshire (Kreusch et al, 2019), highlighting the potential risk to public health, especially since TBEV can cause encephalitis, a severe inflammation of the brain.
Diagnosis in the UK is complicated by cross-reactivity with other endemic viruses, making confirmatory testing challenging. Additional research is necessary to comprehend the distribution and prevalence of TBEV in the UK. Health care providers should remain alert for TBEV infections in patients who have not travelled recently, particularly if they have experienced recent tick bites.
Theileriosis is a TBD affecting livestock such as cattle, sheep, goats and equids, caused by Theileria species, apicomplexan protozoa closely related to Babesia. Unlike Babesia, Theileria species are transmitted transstadially within the tick vector.
This means that infection occurs when larval or nymphal ticks feed on infected animals and persists through subsequent nymphal and adult stages. Unlike Babesia, no evidence exists of Theileria species being transmitted from adult female ticks to their offspring (transovarial transmission).
Both Babesia and Theileria species are transmitted through bites from infected ticks. Babesia species directly invade red blood cells, whereas Theileria species initially undergo a lymphocytic phase (called schizogony) before invading host red blood cells for further development (Folly et al, 2020).
The presence of Theileria has been documented in cattle in southern England, where it is transmitted by Haemaphysalis punctata ticks (Brocklesby and Barnett, 1972). Additionally, Theileria species have been identified in mosquitoes that fed on cattle in areas where H punctata is prevalent (Fernández de Marco et al, 2016).
Through genomic analysis, Theileria orientalis has been detected, a pathogen known for causing severe disease in cattle across Asia and Australasia. Despite these findings, clinical cases of bovine theileriosis have not been reported in the UK.
In north Kent, cases of ovine theileriosis caused by Th luwenshuni have been linked to a dense tick population (Phipps et al, 2016).
A study reported the presence of endemic and exotic TBDs in dogs living in the UK, including cases diagnosed between January 2005 and August 2019 at seven referral institutions (Silvestrini et al, 2023).
The study included 76 dogs, with diagnoses as follows: 25 dogs with ehrlichiosis, 23 with babesiosis, 8 with Lyme borreliosis, and 6 with anaplasmosis.
Fourteen dogs had co-infections with two or three pathogens. While most dogs with TBDs had a history of travel to or from endemic countries, three dogs with ehrlichiosis and one dog each with B canis and B vulpes had no travel history, implying local transmission (Silvestrini et al, 2023).
Challenges exist in diagnosing tick bites and TBDs, as initial symptoms can be misattributed to other conditions like infected warts (Pietzsch et al, 2014). Therefore, prevention is essential for reducing the risks associated with TBDs to humans.
This involves wearing protective clothing, using repellents, conducting thorough tick checks after outdoor activities, and promptly removing attached ticks. Proper identification of tick species and adherence to guidelines for safe removal are essential for effective management and reducing the likelihood of tick bites and subsequent infections.
Management of ticks and TBDs in animals includes the use of preventive parasiticides designed to quickly eliminate or repel ticks, thereby reducing tick feeding and the transmission of infections (Elsheikha, 2017).
Effective products, including isoxazolines, permethrin, deltamethrin, and flumethrin, are recommended for dogs in tick-prone environments like tall grass, bracken, pastures, woodlands or areas with ruminants, particularly deer. Dogs that have been exposed to ticks in the past should receive regular treatment.
When choosing a product, consider factors such as the animal’s lifestyle, owner preferences for administration method (tablet, collar or spot-on), and any previous reactions to treatments.
Some topical products may not be suitable for dogs that swim or bathe frequently. Tailoring parasite control plans based on this information is crucial.
Since no product provides complete protection, owners should still inspect their dogs for ticks at least once every 24 hours. Vaccination options are available for certain TBDs; for instance, a licensed vaccine called Merilym3 is available for preventing Lyme disease in dogs at high risk.
Image © agneskantaruk / Depositphotos.com
Basic actions, such as wearing long pants and performing tick checks after walking in areas where ticks are prevalent, are highly effective in preventing tick bites and removing ticks before infection transmission, which generally takes about 48 hours (Due et al, 2013).
Nevertheless, adoption of these behaviours among the public is low, even in areas where the risk of tick exposure is high.
Effective protective behaviours against Lyme borreliosis, especially regular tick-checking, are influenced by knowledge, perceived risk, self-efficacy and low disgust towards ticks. Thus, increasing public awareness and addressing these factors can help promote tick-protective behaviours (Mowbray et al, 2014).
Public submissions and veterinary surgeon reports are essential for identifying tick species and understanding introduction routes.
For example, a canine babesiosis outbreak in southern England was linked to recently introduced D reticulatus ticks (de Marco et al, 2022).
Health practitioners can play a vital role in educating the public about tick bites, promoting awareness of TBDs, and contributing to surveillance efforts such as the Tick Recording Scheme (Jameson and Medlock, 2011; Johnson et al, 2022) to enhance understanding and management of tick-related health issues in the UK.
Raising awareness among veterinary and health care professionals and the public about TBD symptoms and risks is crucial for early detection and treatment and for responding swiftly to introduced tick species.
Ticks in the UK present substantial risks to human and animal health by transmitting diverse pathogens that can lead to local infections, allergic responses and serious diseases.
The prevalence of I ricinus, known for transmitting Lyme disease, underscores the importance of focused surveillance efforts on this species and other endemic ticks.
Awareness of TBDs is crucial, especially as exotic ticks are occasionally introduced through international travel and trade, potentially altering disease dynamics. Vigilance in tick identification, prompt removal and preventive measures such as acaricide treatments for pets are essential in mitigating these risks.
Climate change influences tick distribution and disease prevalence, necessitating adaptive strategies and proactive surveillance to address emerging threats effectively.
Public education and collaboration across veterinary, health, and research sectors are pivotal in enhancing understanding, prevention and management of TBDs in the UK.
Continued surveillance and research efforts are crucial to reduce the impact of TBDs on both public and animal health, ensuring a comprehensive strategy for tick management and disease control.
The risk of TBDs is multifaceted and requires monitoring and more research to mitigate potential impacts.
Epidemiological investigations are required to study other potentially emerging tick-borne pathogens that could pose future threats to public health.
Vigilance, proper tick identification and proactive management of tick bites and TBDs, particularly in the context of global travel and potential exposure to exotic tick species is essential.
Raise awareness among travellers about tick bites and diseases transmitted by ticks (TBDs).
Accurate diagnosis is the first step in the effective management of TBDs.
Awareness among health practitioners is crucial for timely recognition, proper treatment, and management of TBDs.
The risk of TBDs is multifaceted and requires monitoring and more research to mitigate potential impacts.
Epidemiological investigations are required to study other potentially emerging tick-borne pathogens that could pose future threats to public health.
Vigilance, proper tick identification and proactive management of tick bites and TBDs, particularly in the context of global travel and potential exposure to exotic tick species is essential.
Raise awareness among travellers about tick bites and diseases transmitted by ticks (TBDs).
Accurate diagnosis is the first step in the effective management of TBDs.
Awareness among health practitioners is crucial for timely recognition, proper treatment, and management of TBDs.
Be aware of regions in west Wales and southern England where D reticulatus ticks are established, as these areas may pose a higher risk for exposure to B caballi, a pathogen that affects horses.
When outside, especially in grassy or wooded areas where ticks might be found, it’s recommended to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants, use insect repellents with DEET, and frequently inspect yourself and your pets for ticks.
Be mindful of the potential dangers of introducing foreign ticks and the diseases they carry when traveling, especially from regions where they are common or with imported animals.
Familiarise yourself with the symptoms of TBDs. For example, Babesia can cause fever, fatigue, and in severe cases, haemolytic anaemia. Medical attention should be sought if an individual suspect they or their pet may have been exposed to ticks and are experiencing symptoms.
For those working with livestock, especially in south-west England, monitor animals for signs of Babesia infection, including lethargy and anaemia. Conduct appropriate testing and implement preventive measures as deemed necessary.
Stay informed about the latest research and surveillance efforts regarding TBDs in the UK. Follow guidance from health authorities and contribute to tick surveillance programmes if you encounter ticks in unusual areas or suspect disease transmission. Additionally, stay informed about climate and environmental changes that may affect tick populations and TBD risks in local area.